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about lisa

Award-winning freelancer Lisa Bendall has written articles for many of Canada’s major magazines and newspapers, including Reader’s Digest, Canadian Living, Today’s Parent, Zoomer and Best Health. Lisa also generates original, quality content for clients in the corporate sector, whether to beef up their newsletters, or add service to their websites.

Lisa writes on a wide variety of topics. She has a particular interest in health, parenting, nature/gardening, psychology and social trends – but she has written about subjects as disparate as sales meetings and shopping. Versatility may not be her middle name (that would be Ann), but Lisa does have a knack for digging up the experts and research that will round out a strong story on any topic. And she deftly brings on the wit when an article calls for a light or humourous touch.

early lisa
Fun Facts: Lisa was scribbling stories and poems before she could ride a two-wheeler; she had her own typewriter by the age of eight. In this photo, she’s just seven – and borrowing her dad’s machine again.

Lisa has professional expertise in disability issues. She is the former longtime managing editor of Abilities, Canada’s disability magazine. Her books, After Disability: A Guide to Getting on with Life and Raising a Kid with Special Needs: The Complete Canadian Guide, give practical, hopeful advice on living with a disability. Lisa has made appearances as an expert in this field.

Lisa grew up near Ottawa and was educated at the University of Toronto. Today, she lives in Toronto with her husband, daughter and thriving perennial garden. She is a member of the Writers’ Union of Canada and the Professional Writers Association of Canada.

What can Lisa do besides write?
Editing and research
As former managing editor of a national magazine, Lisa has strong editing skills and an eagle eye for errors.
Media appearances
Lisa has been a guest on live and taped radio and television programs to discuss her work.
Speaking engagements and workshops
Lisa addresses audiences on topics related to disability issues. She also speaks about good deeds and their inspiring ripple effect. And she can lead workshops on the business of freelance writing.
Conversational French skills
While not fully bilingual, Lisa has enough of a working knowledge of French to order a croissant au beurre in a pâtisserie.
Miscellaneous parlour tricks
Lisa has a bent for being organized, a flair for gardening and a passable talent on the piano. She has also been known to perform random acts of kindness.

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